1. This questionnaire is design to collect your personal information to assist in the preparation of your income tax return.

2. Your comments will help promote discussion with your tax advisor to ensure you make the most of your tax position.

3. Please note,  not all items and sections will be applicable to your tax affairs, complete as much as you can.

4. You may save and come back to complete the application at any time, just press the "Save & Complete Later" button at the bottom of the questionnaire. A link of the  questionnairewill be emailed to you.

5. Once you have submitted the form , your advisor will draft your tax return and come back to you with any further queries or questions.

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Our questionnaire is powered by SnapForms which is an Australian solution. All data is stored and served from secure, Australian-based data centres. The form is hosted on 256-bit SSL Encrypted pages and complies with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Electonic Banking Details (For Refund If Applicable)


Did you work for an employer during the year?
Did you receive any other income in relation to your employment?
Commonly applicable if you have changed jobs during the year or have been made redundant.
Did you receive payments such as Youth Allowance, Jobseeker & Austudy?
Did you receive any government pensions from Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs?
Typically this is a pension drawn from your superannuation if you are of retirement age
Did you receive interest income from savings or term deposits maintained in a bank account?
Did you receive dividend income from Australian or Foreign Shares held in your name?
We will cross check the company names you provide with the tax office records
Applicable if you receive an allotment of shares in the company you work in as part of your remuneration package
Have you received income from units you hold in managed investment funds?
Did you receive PSI income from your employment? Applicable for those who are contractors.
Did you operate as a sole trader and carry on a business during the year?
Did you realise a capital gain or loss on the sale of an asset during the year? Eg sale of investment property, shares, bonds etc
Did you receive any income from assets or property held overseas?
Did you receive any rental income for an investment property held during the year? (Includes properties listed on AirBnB)
We'll be in touch to conduct a full rental income and expense review.
Did you receive any other income not covered in the previous sections that you would like to discuss?


D1. Work related car expenses

Lets first determine if you have a valid work related car claim

Refer to the above graphic to determine if you have a car claim
You can claim a maximum of 5,000km and your claim will be based on 88 cents per KM
Eg. Fuel, insurance, rego, CTP, service, repairs. What percentage relates to business use? eg. 60%

D2. Work related travel expenses

You may have a claim if you have incurred travel costs as part of your employment. Items that can be claimed include: (must be out of pocket):

  • short term car hire

  • Public transport fares

  • Road tolls

  • Parking fees

  • Taxi/Uber fares

  • Meal & accomodation expenses you incurred while away or overnight for work.

Provide cost details of work related travel expenses to be claimed including an explanation of the nature of the expense

D3. Work related clothing & laundry expenses

If you are required to wear industry specific clothing or protective wear, you may be able to claim the cost of purchasing those items and/or laundering them. Items you may be able to claim:

  • Purchase of protective clothing

  • Purchase of industry specific uniform (items with logo, branding etc)

  • Purchase of occupation specific clothing (eg chefs checkered pants)

  • Laundry or dry cleaning of clothing listed above.

  • Note - General corporate wear is not tax deductible

Include cost details and a description of items purchased. If claiming laundry costs, just type "Claiming Laundry"

D4. Work related self-education expenses

Eligibility to claim

You can claim self-education and study expenses you incur when the course you take leads to a formal qualification and meets the following conditions.

The course must have a sufficient connection to your current employment activities as an employee and either:

  • maintains or improves the specific skills or knowledge you require in your current employment activities

  • results in or is likely to result in, an increase in your income from your current employment activities.

You can claim a tax deduction for the following general course expenses

  • Course & tuition fees, text books, study material

  • computer consumables, Office equipment, Stationary

  • Home office running costs

  • Parking fees

  • Travel costs, including car expenses

D5. Other work related expenses

If Yes, how many hours in total did you work from home during the year?, Eg 650 hours (The ATO prescribed rate will cover power & gas for heating & cooling)
If yes, what is your monthly bill and what percentage relates to work? eg $90pm, 60%
If yes, what is your monthly bill and what percentage relates to work? eg $90pm, 60%
If yes, please include details of purchases Eg, Stationary $50, Desk Lamp $80
If Yes, include cost and nature of expense. Eg Software subscription $50, Union Fees $500
If Yes, include cost details and nature of expense
If Yes, include details to discuss further

D6. Gifts or Donations

If Yes, include details. Eg Cancer Council $50, Heart foundation $150

D7. Cost of managing tax affairs

If Yes, include cost details

D8. Personal Superannuation Contributions

If Yes, provide amount paid, date of payment, and the name of your superfund (This excludes super paid for you by your employer)

D9. Other Deductions

If yes, please provide annual premium cost. (Note this is for a policy held outside of your superfund income insurance)
List any other expenses you have incurred for the year that you would like to include or discuss. Provide as much detail as you can.

Other Information

If Yes, please provide details or a medicare levy exemption certificate. (Exemptions usually apply to non-residents, war-widows and defence force personnel).
Require Spouse full name, date of birth and taxable income for the year

ATO Mandatory Questions

Typically a sale of shares, investment property or other taxable assets. If Yes, provide details

Other Comments & Questions

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